Why Do We Use an Electric Pole Saw At All?
If you’re fond of your garden, there must be quite a number of things keeping you awake at night. Late bloomed roses, children jumping upon and destroying your flower beds and of course, the neighbors’ peas turning out to be sweeter than yours. But the primary concern for gardeners, I think, is the general outlook of the garden or the lawn or the backyard, whatever you will, and that it should bring to mind a powerful feeling of serenity and calm when first one looks out upon it. Now, some people might say that letting weeds and shrubs and grass growing all over the place to turn it into a wilderness achieves to bring to mind that serenity and calm; I do not share their opinion. Which is why anything that is tied to a stick and bears the slightest resemblance to a pole saw tempts me to buy it. I end up falling for all the wrong products, unfortunately, because of this weakness of mine. However, to prevent you from making the exact same mistake, here are some tips to keep in mind while looking for your best electric pole saw.
Ease of the Product
The comfort that you share with the product should be really, really looked into, because the easier it is for you to handle it, the better you will be at work with it.
Type of Device That You Should Use
If you have a smaller garden area, it would be much better to go for a corded electric pole saw. Though it is a smaller device, it is quite a powerful one as well. Corded electric pole saws can cut branches several inches across, that is if they are quality ones. They usually outperform cordless models and they are far cheaper to buy.
However, if your lawns or gardens or backyards are quite extensive in size, a cordless pole saw would present difficulties, as long cables would have to be run over the larger areas.
The Size of the Branches That Your Device Can Cut through
If the branches that you’re looking to prune are softwood, then eight-ampere pole saws can cut through several inches of them. Branches up to four or five branches are really easy to saw off, even if it is a hardwood tree.
The Height That You Can Reach Up To
If the pamphlet of the product that you are perusing says that the product has a fifteen- foot reach, that does not necessarily mean that the device is fifteen feet long. Since the pole is always a bit shorter than the prescribed height, it simply means the height that you’ll reach up to will include the length of the pole as well as the length of your arms. Most electric pole saws do have a working height of between 11 to 15 feet. A manual pole can get you through if you’re looking to prune small branches.